
About Axiphos

Axiphos GmbH was founded 2001 by Dr. Claudio Puebla as an independent company on Internet-oriented services for industries involved with color application.

Axiphos applies modern technologies to develop materials, tools and software to achieve control of manufacturing process and instrumental assessment of products by developing techniques for color measurement and optimal recipes for color formulation.
Interaction and cooperation of Axiphos with many companies on different areas related to color, from instrument and dyes and pigments manufacturers to institutes with proven reputation of dedication to service and investigation, provide a strong background for developing techniques and for designing optimal solutions

Solutions are meant to be robust to endure urgency of production conditions and are provided with packages of service from the distance through Internet connection; they include distance learning and training and continuous support from the distance.

Associations with numerous offices situated in strategic regions of the world allow Axiphos to operate on a worldwide basis, which makes possible a direct presence and communication beyond language and cultural barriers.

  • Paper manufacturing industry: software and assistance is given from pulp bleaching to papermaking processes, as well as helping marketing to choose most suited standards.
  • Textiles manufacturing industry: software and assistance is provided for fiber selection, material matching and process control.
  • Detergent manufacturing and application industries: software and assistance is given for materials selection, control of manufacturing and assessment of application results.
  • Plastics manufacturing industry: software and assistance is provided for materials selection, control of manufacturing and assessment of application results.
  • Coating industry: software and assistance is given for material selection, control of manufacturing and assessment of application results.

Technical Areas


Axiphos applies modern technologies to develop materials, tools and software to achieve control of manufacturing process and instrumental assessment of products; through the development of optimal recipes for color formulation a further step is done towards a global concept of quality control and quality assurance.


High whiteness values have become indispensable in many articles; obtaining high whiteness values is however a careful interplay between different methods and agents that increase the perceived whiteness.
Axiphos offers complete solutions for studying and developing whiteness levels for different articles with the aim:

    - to control and stabilize whiteness values during manufacturing
    - to assure quality of the process
    - to achieve an early interaction with marketing and consumer areas to establish preferred levels and appearance of articles, preferably still at the design level.


Application of fluorescent dyes and pigments to a variety of articles aims two different main areas:

    - high fluorescent colors are attention catchers due to their high luminosity that results in high contrast towards natural environments. Application are found not only in areas of safety and security but also increasingly in textile and fashion accessories.
    - Small addition of fluorescence to non-fluorescent colors allow the attainment of special shades normally not accomplished (or only with difficulty) by subtractive methods. Main areas of application are article and advertising design as well as graphics and printing industries.

Axiphos provides active assistance and solutions to problems of application and selection of materials to minimize metameric effects.

Operative Areas


Axiphos manufactures a range of chemical products with selected partners in Europe and joint-ventures in PR China. Products are manufactured according to strict standards and their quality is monitored to comply with international standards. Products are sold through representatives under Axiphos registered brand names.


Axiphos offers ample services on general as well as technical areas of marketing of color-related products and articles. Activities involve

    - support of evaluation of potential value of products and markets
    - support in interactions with agencies for registration and approvals
    - support with compilation and preparation of technical material for market introduction
    - assessment of technical results and product improvement


Experience and knowledge of Axiphos as well as its numerous contacts with manufacturers on the color sector build an excellent basis to commercial and trading business, especially in the areas of product sourcing and quality assessment. Activities on e-commerce and e-procurement areas are going to be integrated in the near future into an electronic portal under the name E-ColorSource.com.


Axiphos offers broad know-how in color application useful for the manufacturing industry to achieve their goals of quality assurance, stable manufacture and cost reduction. These goals are accomplished by a direct involvement to attain integrated solutions instead of focusing on symptoms, in a process of active development of solutions, transfer ideas into software packages, trial-support, active training and continuous education of personnel.

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Axiphos GmbH
Arend-Braye Str. 42, D-79540 Loerrach, Germany
Tel:+49 7621 426693 Fax:+49 7621 426698
